Beenleigh Cubs Update

The place to get the latest on the Beenleigh Cubs endeavours.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Coming Events and Costs

Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to update you all on the coming events and the acutal costs for each event.

  • Clean Up Australia Day -

    • No Cost, but a pair of gloves and rubbish bag required

  • Sixer and Seconds Pack Council McDonalds,

    • $6 for a meal

  • OfficeWorks Craft night

    • No cost,

    • bring a Rock to make a Pet rock

  • Bunnings Night Apr 5,

    • still working with Bunnings on this - will update inthe coming week

  • Sleepover - Mar 19

    • Cost $40,

    • QLD Theatre Company coming to 'role play' with the Cubs.

    • Prepare them for Movie Camp

  • Pack Council Eagleby - Sixer and Seconds only.

    • No cost.

  • ANZAC Day - Monday Apr 26.

    • No cost

    • Permission form out next week

    • No Camel Packs to be worn during march. Water provided at start and end. March only waiting around 40 minutes before completing march.

  • Cub Camp, Apr 29 to May 1,

    • cost of Camp will be $80 this year.

    • At Karingal, Mt Cotton.

    • Parent help needed.

    • Permission form out next week

  • Cane Festival - May 29

    • No Cost

    • Permission form out next week

  • Leadership Camp - June 3 to 6

    • Regional event for Sixer and Seconds who have not completed previously and for those nominated by a Leader to attend.

    • Cost unknown as still awaiting information.

  • Aborignal Culture Stradbroke Island Day - June 19

    • Bus will take us to the Ferry and then across to Stradbroke Island

    • Activites planned, Boomerang throwing, Aborignial Museum, Native Food trek

    • Cost still to be counted, but current esitmate is $50 p/p

    • This trip is not limited to Cubs, Families welcome to attend as well. Would be good to make it a family picnic day. More details to come.

Everything we are doing works towards their Boomerang Award scheme. We are trying to take the cubs to new and exciting places this year. The idea is to expand thier mind and give them a chance to see and do things that they would not normally do.

Keep watching, the next few weeks I will be releasing the Term 2 Calendar for your fridge and all the required paperwork for the Term 2 events.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Parent Help needed


We need your help at camp in May. We are looking for someone to coordinate the kitchen for the weekend. I will help withteh menu and purchasing of the rashions, but we do need someone to be there for this particular event.

We are also going to need help with assiting in meal preparations and out on the activities during the 2 day camp.

If you can let me know by next den night if you are prepared to put your hand up.

Sixer and Second changes

Congratulations to Payton who was changed from White Sixer to Akela Sixer. His job is to look after and mentor the new cubs that come onboard until they are invested. It is a role allocated to thoses that have handled being a Sixer for a length of time and need step up a little further as a leader. It doesn;t happen very often and only when he have a lot of newbies and there is a need to promote others intothe Sixer roles. Well done Payton.

To Remy, you have been appointed as White Sixer, you have done the time as a Second and shown you can be more. This a great chance for you to shine through.

Week 3 Wrap

Wow, three weeks down already! Things are moving nicely and we seem to be settling in to the new timeslot. Have ended on-time 2 weeks in a row!

Rama had his first taste of planning and running a night. This week we were doing Natural Environment and most of it was centred on the World Scouting Environment Badge. The cubs were given a task to come up with item s that are considered good for the Environment and things that are not. Somehow a cooked chicken ended up on the bad list? What the ….? Hey at least they were thinking outside the square!

The second activity was on the Greenhouse effect. The Cubs learnt how it is affecting day to day temperatures. At the end of the session all the cubs were taken outside to play a game that reinforced the activity. The game had cubs blindfolded and nominated as carbons or trees. The more Carbons there were, the harder it became for the trees to move about. Great game and most want to play that again sometime.

It was also the night where a Tabitha came out of the time machine with a piece on the Mafeking siege that is considered the founding moment that saw Baden-Powell later create Scouting. Well Done Tabitha. Next week I will have the projector – DOH!

It was great to see that we had some of our new members step up and complete a task that I set the week before. Ebony and Brandon were able to bring in a water filtration system they made out of a cordial bottle, coffee filter, sand, cotton wool and rocks. Great effort! Just want to see more next week! These 2 are now a step ahead of the rest on completing the badge.

The night also provided opportunities to see how print cartridges can be recycled. Thank you to our ever hard working Yvette, for putting this together for us.

So 3 weeks down and with Founders Day next week it will be another action packed week. Please remember to bring along a funny hat as we a celebrating a birthday.

Cub Calendar update

At the Cub Leaders planning meeting on Monday gone, it was decided to push the outing in the park on April 10 out to later in he year. It was felt that Term 1 was jammed packed and to take this out would give us more time to focus on Camp on May Day weekend.

Week 2 wrap

This week we visited the Eagleby Den. Rikki was in charge of the night where the cubs put together a rain water gauge from 1.25 lt bottles. They were tasked with going home and keeping track of the rain fall for 2 weeks.

This started our official Term 1 project which is working towards the World Scouting Environment Badge. The project will culminate with the Clean Up Australia Day outing on March 5.

Tonight we reorganized our Sixer and Seconds, as last week went sent three cubs to Scouts, which left 2 Sixer positions and 1 Second spot free. Rebecca Lys and Tabitha Fleming were promoted to Sixer of Black and Red respectfully.

Kaleb Paterson, Samuel Paterson and Lachlan McClure were then promoted to Seconds of Sixes Red, Brown and White. Well done cubs you have earned it with your dedication and displaying your Promise and Law when we are together and at home.

So the night ends and we head back to our normal den from here on in. We have grown to big for Eagleby and will use it for smaller events such as Pack Councils.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Term 1 Date Changes

Hello, just need to advise that we have had to swap a couple of weeks around from the calendar we issued at the start of the year.

  • Next week was marked as Ropes but we have changed that to be Natural Environment

  • Tuesday, April 5, A craft night at Bunnings Underwood/Kuraby

Also, just a reminder that we need to start seeing the permission forms for the Sleepover, Clean Up Australia Day and those Sixer and Seconds attending the first Pack Council at McDonalds at the end of this month.

We will have new forms printed next week just in case.



Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Week 1 Wrap

Well what a brilliant start to the year. To start off we had the pleasure of 31 cubs last night. Here I was thinking that we would struggle with numbers on new a night, and new time. In the end we struggled to complete the night on time. First run at 1.5 hours and blew it by 30 minutes.

In all fairness though we did have some investures and awards to hand out, plus farewell 3 cubs as they move on to Scouts. I have to praise our pack on the behaviour on a night that had a lot of Ceremony.

To start the night we had special guests to help celebrate our first female Grey Wolf recipient. This is the top award any cub can earn and they have the privilege of wearing it on their Scout shirts, when they move up, for at least 1 year.

Our special guests were, the Federal government member for Forde, Mr Bert van Manen, our ever popular Branch Commissioner for Cubs, Robyn Devine, our Regional Cub Scout Leader, Donna Morgan, and last but not the least, Sallie Fletcher our Assistant Regional Cub Leader. We thank them for taking the time to come along and help present the top award to Tabitha. I know they enjoyed the night as they stayed for the entire night.

Once the ceremony was over we had the Sixers and Seconds present parents and special guests with Tea, coffee, cake and biscuits. It is a great chance for them to step up and use their manners. They do so well and it is those moments when you really know we are doing good things for our future adults.

In between the 'Boring stuff' the cubs got to play games of Exhaustion and Tiger Tales. These are running games where in one they run around a circle and chase until everyone is caught in your group. The other is to have a sock in you pocket and try not to have it stolen by the other cubs. They are so full of energy these cubs it is real good fun. I hope they slept well.

We also had a session on Scouting history and we were lucky enough to have our annual history DVD on hand. This was put together by Rann in previous years. He does a great job on those DVDs. He then pulled out the moment of the night. To help teach the kids about history of scouting he built a Time Machine and went back in time. On his return he was wearing a very old uniform. I hope he didn't leave some poor cub in the past without his uniform :)

Everyone loved it and we are going to continue the theme for the other cubs to come up with a thing from the past relating to Scouts.

In all it was a great first night and even though we lost 3 cubs, we gained for new ones. I am so looking forward to this year.

To my fellow leaders who worked tirelessly last night keeping it together. To Rikki and Yvette for doing the tea and coffee, to Dingo and Rama for the running the games and to Rann for is special presentation. I would also like to thank the Venturers and Scouts who assisted also on the night.

Parents parents/cubs please bring along water bottles for drinking out of, and 2x 1.25lt bottles

Until next week when we are at Eagleby Den.

Signing off