Hi Everyone,
Just wanted to update you all on the coming events and the acutal costs for each event.
- Clean Up Australia Day -
- No Cost, but a pair of gloves and rubbish bag required
- Sixer and Seconds Pack Council McDonalds,
- $6 for a meal
- OfficeWorks Craft night
- No cost,
- bring a Rock to make a Pet rock
- Bunnings Night Apr 5,
- still working with Bunnings on this - will update inthe coming week
- Sleepover - Mar 19
- Cost $40,
- QLD Theatre Company coming to 'role play' with the Cubs.
- Prepare them for Movie Camp
- Pack Council Eagleby - Sixer and Seconds only.
- No cost.
- ANZAC Day - Monday Apr 26.
- No cost
- Permission form out next week
- No Camel Packs to be worn during march. Water provided at start and end. March only waiting around 40 minutes before completing march.
- Cub Camp, Apr 29 to May 1,
- cost of Camp will be $80 this year.
- At Karingal, Mt Cotton.
- Parent help needed.
- Permission form out next week
- Cane Festival - May 29
- No Cost
- Permission form out next week
- Leadership Camp - June 3 to 6
- Regional event for Sixer and Seconds who have not completed previously and for those nominated by a Leader to attend.
- Cost unknown as still awaiting information.
- Aborignal Culture Stradbroke Island Day - June 19
- Bus will take us to the Ferry and then across to Stradbroke Island
- Activites planned, Boomerang throwing, Aborignial Museum, Native Food trek
- Cost still to be counted, but current esitmate is $50 p/p
- This trip is not limited to Cubs, Families welcome to attend as well. Would be good to make it a family picnic day. More details to come.
Everything we are doing works towards their Boomerang Award scheme. We are trying to take the cubs to new and exciting places this year. The idea is to expand thier mind and give them a chance to see and do things that they would not normally do.
Keep watching, the next few weeks I will be releasing the Term 2 Calendar for your fridge and all the required paperwork for the Term 2 events.