This week our cubs got to cook on an open fire and help prepare some food for the night.
On the menu was Damper, Stew, Chicken and Corn soup plus milo. There was dessert but we ran out of time to put that together.
The first activity was making the chicken and corn soup. With the help of Vanessa the cubs learnt how this simple Chinese soup is mase, and that egg in it gives that stringy look. They weren't sure on it but they lapped it up when served.
Next the cubs cut up celery to add to the stew. This was more about learning to cut up vegetables and then add to the pot. While this was happening our Gold Boomerang cubs were preparing to cook a meal on the cooking fire.
Stage 3 was making Damper and cooking it as a twist on the cooking fire. As well they wrapped potatoes in foil and threw into fire.
As you woukd expect this stage took ages, and some cubs had trouble dealing with the smoke and getting over the fear of cooking on a fire. In the end no one got burnt - not even our regular injury prone Scout ;0).
Most completed the damper to the level it be eaten before our night ran out. The Golds did a great job on there efforts and all got that section signed off. I am told we have a special parade at the start next week for 4 cubs.
Thanks to my wife for the help this week. It is her night to help and I can't thank her enough.
Thanks to to Rikki, Steve and those that assisted in setting up on the night at 5pm.
Until next week.
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