Beenleigh Cubs Update

The place to get the latest on the Beenleigh Cubs endeavours.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Christmas Break up 6 Dec 6:30pm

Dec 6 - 6:30pm  
Non Uniformed night - XMAS Gear would be good.
Please note that this Friday is the Break up for the Group of 2013. We have 165 attending on Friday from the numbers gathered. This is a fantastic number and I am looking forward to seeing you there.
What is provided on the night is a meal of Chicken (Red Rooster) and Salads. There will be an alternative for vegetarians.  I believe the above meal should cover 90%, if it will be a problem please advise.
If you are able to lend a hand on Friday night (time to be confirmed, post 4pm) to help set up the den with tables and Gazebos it would be appreciated if you could let me know and I will contact you once the coordinator has advised of the time. 
For those unable to attend - thank you for the year and I hope to see you all in 2014. 

Yours in Scouting,
Stephen Hughes (Bagheera)
Group Leader
Beenleigh Scout Group
0433 322 638