Beenleigh Cubs Update

The place to get the latest on the Beenleigh Cubs endeavours.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Windaroo State School Twilight Markets

Windaroo State School Twilight Markets
Windaroo State School Twilight Markets
May 2, 5:30pm - 9:30pm 
Good morning everyone,
Just wanted to let you know we have been able to secure a spot at the Windaroo State School Twilight Markets on May 2. This will be a fundraising event and we will be calling for Cake Stall items again.
I am aware this date is also the Scout Region Camp, so it might be a case of drop off your goodies the night before.
I will need about no more than three helpers on the night as we have only a 3 x 3m area so space will be limited, what would be good is if we could have shifts of two to 2.5 hours for setup and set down.
Please book this into your calendars as the Cake Stalls are proving to be be hit and a good fundraiser for us. 
If you will be able to help or bake for this event please indicate below. 

Are you attending? Yes I am attending. No, I cannot attend. 

Yours in Scouting,
Stephen Hughes (Bagheera)
Group Leader
Beenleigh Scout Group
0490 181 933

This message was sent from Dibbs Club Manager ( as a circular email. Other people will have received this email.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

New BBQ Fundraising Location - 2nd Saturday monthly

I am pleased to advise UltraTune Beenleigh has offered the Group a BBQ Fundraising slot every 2nd Saturday of the month, starting on April 12. I would like to thank the Davies family for arranging this with the store.
In the next two weeks a new roster will be put out for you all to commit to one slot  - as it is local I am expecting every family to assist us with this. You will only be asked to do one BBQ slot, if the hours remain the same as a AutoBarn. 
For that that have already done a BBQ this year at AutoBarn, you will not be required to commit again as you have done the one BBQ asked of you. But please feel free to help if we are short handed.
If you cannot commit to the date please seek a replacement and swap, we man just enough for the day and  last minute cancellation making it hard for organisers to be prepared and ensure enough hands available for the event.
  • March 29 - Bush Dance (Cuboree fundraiser) 
  • Apr 12 - UltraTune BBQ
  • May 2 -  Twilight Markets Cake Stall (tbc)
  • May 3 - Bethania School Fete - Car Wash (tbc)
  • May 10 - UltraTune BBQ
  • June - Chocolate Drive 

Yours in Scouting,
Stephen Hughes (Bagheera)
Group Leader
Beenleigh Scout Group
0490 181 933