Beenleigh Cubs Update

The place to get the latest on the Beenleigh Cubs endeavours.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Camp Ahead

Camp is upon us. Cubs are getting excited for our Movie Camp. Tonight I set the cubs a task to help prepare them for camp.

Each bunk house they will sleep in will be called a dressing room, and each dressing room will have a star attached. Each star has a name on them. 5 boys , 2 girls and 6 directors/producers.

The cubs were each given one of the following names to go away with and tell me who the star was, what type of movie they made and some names of movies they made.

  • Charlie Chaplin
  • John Wayne
  • Harrison Ford
  • Miley Cyrus

Leaders were taksed with telling me the name of movies made by the following:

  • Penny Marshall
  • Steven Spielberg
  • Barbara Striessand
  • Clint Eastwood
  • Walt Disney
  • Ron Howard

I also set the Cubs 2 other questions that will earn extra reward if they can answer the question:
  1. Who was Fred MacMurray and what movies did he star in?
  2. What movie did Fred MacMurray star in that was related to Scouts?

If they get it right they will earn 3 rewards for the effort.

Looking forward to movie camp.


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