This week we still held.our Cub night. Good to see so many after a camp weekend. We had a games night where we challenged our cubs to the following games:
+ River Crossing
- using 5 tiles and 6 cubs they have to work together to cross the other side of a crocodile, pirrhana,hippo and elephant bathing river. The square tiles are the pontoons they have to cross with all in and start again.Made it even harder when we made them cross each others path and then do it backwards. Funny to watch the crews meet in the middle on run one.
+ Hangman
- dividing the cubs in two - yes messy as that sounds-groups that is, we had the groups sit opposite sides of the whiteboard. Ably and myself shared a word and it was the first team to get it right. We did not use the hangman symbols as it was about thinking quick.
+ Guess who
- this is a game where we split the cubs and place them either side of a sheet picking one cub from both sides, quietly, they sneak forward and when the sheet is raised, the cubs have to call the others name first. It is good to see who knows the names of everyone.
These are fun nights and enjoyable for everyone.
Next week we are doing environment bagde work.
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