Beenleigh Cubs Update

The place to get the latest on the Beenleigh Cubs endeavours.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Cuboree Catch up

Saturday, June 2 this is now an Outdoor Scouting afternoon as it is the only item left for all Cub Scouts attending Cuboree need to complete.

All Cub Scouts are welcome as we will cover off all Boomerang levels.

It is a free dress day, but please bring woggle and scarf.

Time is scheduled from 12pm to 4pm. If we finish early the Cub Scouts will watch a movie to finish off the day.

Thank you parents for your patiences this term as we have had a lot of activities on to get ready for Cuboree, plus some others thrown in. The foot will come off for the last 2 terms but we do have a few activities in there too.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Beenleigh Cane Festival

New article for the Cane festival and the award we won for the effort on the Group web site.

Fundraising Activity

On May 19, the Cub & Joey Scouts were at Coles Beenleigh helping to fund-raise for the group. The activity was to rattle tins. We did a fantastic job as raised over $350 for the efforts.

This exercise is good to get the members to get past their fears in asking people they don;t know. It is not an easy thing to do, but when the coins start to drop inhibitions disappear and their confidence grows. It was good to see some members being challenged to hold out the coin billy can for as long they could. It helped break the ice and add a little more cute factor to the day!

Sunday, May 20, 2012


So it was back in Boomerang work this week. The Cub Scouts were given the challenge of knots and they all did it very well.

They were also provided the opportunity to build a 'lean to' structure using a square lashing.

I know they all had fun.

We now only have a few more sections to go for those going to Cuboree.

Jamboree on the Trail

What is a Jamboree on the Trail. It is a hike done on the same day across the world by many Scouting groups. Our hike was from the den to the Logan River Parkland (Red Bridge Park). The route would take us down Lehmanns rd, to the QLD Transport site, Holmview train station and then through Duck park.

The morning was beautiful and the enthusiasm great. We had one group complete it in 69 minutes - I am sure they ran it, and they had our notoriously slow walker - not today!

In the end it was a nice walk and they all enjoyed it. A camp blanket was earned in the end for the efforts of those that took part.

Mother's Day

After a big weekend, it was time to bring the Mum's to the den to say thank you.

This was a night to run an Egg & Spoon Three legged Race and to spend time making a pouch. Cubs Scouts learnt to do a blanket stitch and work with leather.

The Mum's got to see all the photos from the weekend after being served a tea, coffee or juice. They were served cake and biscuits.

It was a fun night and another successful Mum's night.

Cub Scout Camp - The End

So as is the last thing, we have to pack up and clear out. But there is always  one thing we have to do at the end, a group photo for the wall.


Due to the late running of the morning, we were late finishing up and most of the Cub Scouts still had to have lunch. Thanks to the patience of our parents for waiting the extra 90 minutes as were got them ready to go. 

I know for myself, this was a dream camp, I have always wanted to run this and in the end it was a great weekend. I also know that the Cub Scouts were talking about it for days after - even in school.

We got some really great photos and some great memories, and I believe that all the Cub Scouts have come away with something new. 

Many thanks to the greatest crew I can ask for - Rikki, Rama, Dingo. If it wasn;t for you 3 this would be been a real challenge. 

To the Venturers, you should all be proud of your efforts and the excellent photos are testament to how much fun you all had.

To my wife - Quokka - for giving up her weekend to be with us and put on great meals. I thank you for this and I know the Cub Scouts and others enjoyed the food. 

Thanks to the parents for allowing us to spend time with your Cub Scouts and provide them new opportunities to have fun. It is great to be able to take them away from the electronics at home and give them time in the sun.

It is times like these that I love being a Cub Scout Leader.

Cub Scout Camp - The Beach 2

So what do you do with 20 very enthusiastic Cub Scouts when they are so close to the beach, and want to give them a different experience - you get the lifesavers to come and run a Nippers session with them. We are very fortunate to have Paul and Katrina as members of the group, who in their spare time work as volunteer as Surf Lifesavers.

So to the beach we head! How many times has this walk happened over the past 2 days :)

Once there, we were provided some instruction from Paul & Katrina on what it means to be a nipper and the activities that they do when they train.

The first activity was a short dash along the beach to grab a flag. You had to dive for the flag at the end to ensure you were in with a chance. Leaders were in it too, they got shown up by the Cubs and Venturers, but hey it was a lot of fun.

The second activity was to do a a pole run around people standing in the surf. This was to provide the funniest moment, and the 'I can't believe I actually saw that' moment of the camp.

Now if you were looking you might have seen our loveable Rikki in the water. Yes, that was the moment aht we all never thought would happen. Rikki has said it takes the weather forecast to be snowing (very keen) or over 45+ before she will get wet. Well thanks to Katrina, it was a pleasant 22 degrees and she was suckered into getting wet. What happened was that the expectation was ankle deep, however, the waves did not play nice and she got dumped. Yes we have had that moment for ever. Thank you.

Once the racing was done, we had a final session to discuss what a rip is and how they work. Even and old dog like me got to learn something new.

It was then time for some free time at the beach - between the flags - and as the tide was out we got a lot of Cub Scouts to go out to the Sandbar. For some this was a first time experience and with a few nerves and tight hand squeezes, everyone got there and back safely.

Even though we did not complete all the things we were supposed to today, we have had a lot of fun and in the end that is all it is about.

We were also fortunate to meet some of the parents on thebeach too so they got to see the fun and action.

Once done it was time to head back and begin the clean up - mind you they all want to stay. Love too but we have to go home sometime!