Beenleigh Cubs Update

The place to get the latest on the Beenleigh Cubs endeavours.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Cub Scout Camp - the afternoon

So what do you do with 22 Cub Scouts when they have been to the beach. You sit them down to do craft!
With Mother's Day next weekend the Cub Scouts made a picture frame from timber, got to nail and glue them together. They then went about fixing sand and shells collected in the morning.


Their Mum's should be pleased with the results as most took extraordinary efforts to make them nice and picturesque.

While waiting their turn the other Cub Scouts were entertaining themselves with games frisbie, football and knock down.


Once completed and afternoon tea had, it was upstairs again to ready for downtime. We head off to the beach once more. However, we are no longer quiet puppies as we are now singing loudly all the Cub Scout hiking song. If people didn't know who we were they did after that. This chorus was hears all weekend as we hiked to and from the beach.

Once their all Cub Scout braved the rough water. Those not strong swimmers stayed close to shore or came in with a leader. It was a great way for us all to chill out after a busy day.


The walk back was long and slow. We had acheived the result of exhausting them :-). Back for showers and dinner.

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