The Cub Scouts treated Mum to a Trivia night on the Jungle Book and Scouting History last night.
We had 7 tables of very excited Cub Scouts and gracious Mum's and Grandother's who were happy to be invited to a night about them.
Round 1 was on the Jungle Book and as always there are always debates and discussions on the answers. In the middle of this round an activity was thrown in that was very interactive.
Everyone was invited outside to be apart of the action song 'Singing in the Rain'. Now what Mum and grandmothers didn't know was that the Cub Scouts had practiced this the week before and there was plenty of excitement this week as they got to see parents doing this funny song.
The song basically sings the chorus aof 'Sinnging in the Rain' and then gets to a point where we stop it and do some actions. Actions are Thumbs Up, elbows in, knees bent, knees together, toes in, butts outs, head up, mouth open and finally tongues out. We then sing a gobbled up sound word - roochacha twice.The idea is to repeat and each time you add an extra bit and repeat the chorus. Nothing looks funnier than all the Mums and grandmothers getting to put it all together. It was a fun acivity.
We continue on with the Trivia and complete Round 1 and total up that round. From here we go into round 2 but start by working out what should not be in a non personal first aid kit. Everyone gets the soap, suncream and antisceptic cream wrong and lose points. Bagheera is wicked! :) People did put Bagheera to task on them but all these items can be harmful to people. Now reality says we should have suncream on hand at all times pand Cubs/Leaders need to know who can and can't wear it.
Round 2 is on Scoutong History with questions around when Scouting started, who was BP (Lord Robert Baden-Powell and the founder of Scouting). The other half of this round was about the Beenleigh Group's history.
In the end we finish off with a 'Thread the Rope' game which sees everyone trying to thread rope through their clothing and out the other side. Some decided they wanted to hold everyone on the one piece of rope. With a tall and short next to each other it looked funny at the end.
Mum's and Grandmothers were then treated to coffee/tea and cake to end the night.
All had a great night and the high level noise ensured all attending were happy and excited Cub Scouts.
If you want a.laugh the 'Singing in the Rain' song was filmed. Apologise for the bad singing but we all can't be Michael Bubble! :-)
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