Beenleigh Cubs Update

The place to get the latest on the Beenleigh Cubs endeavours.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Cub Camp 2011 - Day 2 - Morning Session

So after an intersting night, what did the Producers have in store for our misbehaving actors!

Well every actor must look their best in the morning, so revellery was at 6:30am, with a 30 minute wake up time. At 7am the Producers put the actors through Physical Training. This was a 15 minute minute session of knees up, running, strecthing and ball throwing.

The actors were then sent to parade, here they were assigned to 'casting agencies' - the Donald Duck, Daffy Duck, Shrek and Yoda agencies. This was their actor grpup for the weekend. Once parade was over, the agencies were assigned to become Secret Agents and to earn breakfast they had to locate around set, several code pieces and decipher it with a Morse Code template.

All actors got fed that morning!

Once breakfast was completed, the actors were all sent off to one of 2 academies to furhter develop their skills for movie making. At the academy 1 was Brainstorming - what kind of movie would we make, and academy 2 was Make Up.

Academy 1, saw the actors have to think tank the type of movie they would love to do. Inthe end they all ended up having some kind of vampire theme to the movies. Some actors were very well organised and could relate what they wanted, while others sat back and let it happen.

At Acamedy 2, the actors were taught how to apply make up and wehy make up is used in movies. In the end all had a great time at applying the make up and coming up with some cool looks.

The agencies changed over after morning tea to complete the first round of training.

Each agency was provided a video camera to capture their deeds for the day. Our producer/editor Rama, was very busy with all the footage and started to create a movie during the course of the day.

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