Beenleigh Cubs Update

The place to get the latest on the Beenleigh Cubs endeavours.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Cub Camp 2011 - Day 2 - Part 2

Once after the first round of academy training, the actors were sent to 2 more academies prior to lunch, and then swapped after lunch.

Academy 3 was centered around an obstacle course and army training, and Academy 4 was on stunt work.

Academy 3 took the actors on a small ramble to the Badger Trail, where an obstacle course was available to use. The actors had to run through tires, climb a wall, walk on a unstable plank and then a stable plank. All crossed succesfully and without injury. It was then decided they would go on a ramble through the scrub. This was a fun activity, and we have a fantstic spill from one of our actors as he lost footing in the slippery conditions. It was good fun and they all did extremely well.

Academy 4 was put togehter to teach the actors how to fall, have play fights, get shot etc when making a movie. we have a couple of mattresses that they used to fall onto. These actors are mad buggers as they all liked to fall and were very good at it. Once the basics were taught, they then had a chance to think how to use them in their movie.

Lunch was served during the bases and the menu was hamburgers and fruit.

Once the actors had completed the basic training, they were then sent away to begin filmingthe scenes for the movies. Each casting agency was provided a 'Clapper Baord' to help edit the film - not that they were used correctly, but we did get some cool outtakes!

I was sure by the end of the movie making session we were going to have Vampires 1,2, 3 & 4. But luckily they were all different and once came up with a very neat title the next day.

They were certainly inventive our actors.

Once this was over, it was time for play. This was where headed off for the Flying Fox. We had a ramble for 15 minutes to the site and then, due to time and having to put on harnesses, we got our actors through one flying fox ride. Even some of our Producers got brave and headed across the dam.

Once all was done we headed back to 'Set' and got prepared for the evening.

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