Beenleigh Cubs Update

The place to get the latest on the Beenleigh Cubs endeavours.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Cub Scout Camp - The End

So as is the last thing, we have to pack up and clear out. But there is always  one thing we have to do at the end, a group photo for the wall.


Due to the late running of the morning, we were late finishing up and most of the Cub Scouts still had to have lunch. Thanks to the patience of our parents for waiting the extra 90 minutes as were got them ready to go. 

I know for myself, this was a dream camp, I have always wanted to run this and in the end it was a great weekend. I also know that the Cub Scouts were talking about it for days after - even in school.

We got some really great photos and some great memories, and I believe that all the Cub Scouts have come away with something new. 

Many thanks to the greatest crew I can ask for - Rikki, Rama, Dingo. If it wasn;t for you 3 this would be been a real challenge. 

To the Venturers, you should all be proud of your efforts and the excellent photos are testament to how much fun you all had.

To my wife - Quokka - for giving up her weekend to be with us and put on great meals. I thank you for this and I know the Cub Scouts and others enjoyed the food. 

Thanks to the parents for allowing us to spend time with your Cub Scouts and provide them new opportunities to have fun. It is great to be able to take them away from the electronics at home and give them time in the sun.

It is times like these that I love being a Cub Scout Leader.

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