Beenleigh Cubs Update

The place to get the latest on the Beenleigh Cubs endeavours.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Pirates In The Park

Well we whave discovered that a fun run will be held at the same park and time as our event. So we are looking to Saturday for the event. This is still to be confirmed. Will advise shortly.

Best plans of mice and men!

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Pets Night

This week was Pets night. It was a chance for our cubs to bring along their pets to shiw off to us. We yad heaps of dogs, 2 cats, 2 very hairy guinea pigs, 2 snakes and one very adorable stuff toy!

My fears of a blood bath and dog fights were never going to happen. All our cubs did a great job of loking after their animals.

I can thank the lucky stars that no one had rats, else the bet with our Group Secertary, Yvette, may have seen a snake around my neck. Yep still shivering on that one. Deal was I hold snake, if she holds a rat. Both things we have a dislike foe.

I was pleased to see so many of our cubs stand up and speak very confidentally. Some even surprized me a little.

Well done everyone.

No cubs next week in lieu of 'Pirates In The Park' scheduled for Sunday, August 7.

Instead we are asking our Sixer and Seconds to come along for a Pack Council.

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Boomerangs Awarded

Congratulations to Luke who has earned his Bronze Boomerang award on Tuesday.

Also, congratualtions to Kaleb, Sam and Ashley R for acheiving their Gold Boomerang Award.

Well done all of you are all deserving of the awards.

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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Welcome Aboard

This week we invested 2 new Cubs - Jason and Ava. They have been so excited to get that scraf and woggle on.

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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Cooking Night

This week our cubs got to cook on an open fire and help prepare some food for the night.

On the menu was Damper, Stew, Chicken and Corn soup plus milo. There was dessert but we ran out of time to put that together.

The first activity was making the chicken and corn soup. With the help of Vanessa the cubs learnt how this simple Chinese soup is mase, and that egg in it gives that stringy look. They weren't sure on it but they lapped it up when served.

Next the cubs cut up celery to add to the stew. This was more about learning to cut up vegetables and then add to the pot. While this was happening our Gold Boomerang cubs were preparing to cook a meal on the cooking fire.

Stage 3 was making Damper and cooking it as a twist on the cooking fire. As well they wrapped potatoes in foil and threw into fire.

As you woukd expect this stage took ages, and some cubs had trouble dealing with the smoke and getting over the fear of cooking on a fire. In the end no one got burnt - not even our regular injury prone Scout ;0).

Most completed the damper to the level it be eaten before our night ran out. The Golds did a great job on there efforts and all got that section signed off. I am told we have a special parade at the start next week for 4 cubs.

Thanks to my wife for the help this week. It is her night to help and I can't thank her enough.

Thanks to to Rikki, Steve and those that assisted in setting up on the night at 5pm.

Until next week.

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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Grey Wolf Award

Last night saw Rebecca receive her Grey Wolf award. Rebecca has been out in the desert for most of Term 2 and we have been waiting for her to return and present it.

Well done you are a worthy recipient.

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Last night we said farewell to 4 Cubs as they move up to Scouts. These cubs are ready to go and we thank Hathi and scouts patrol leaders for attending to help move the cubs up.

So I bid a sad farewell to Remy, Rebecca, Matthew and Xander.

To Xander you have come along way and I hope you continue to excel in Scouts.

To the others, you have all provided great enjoyment to coming each week and I know you will all continue to do well in Scouts.

See you at AJ13.


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Term 3 start was on fire!

Thanks Cubs for a great night last night. Well done to Dingo for the program on building fires for cooking. It was great to see everyone quiet and attentive to what the Scout helpers were doing.

To the parents, thanks for sticking back for our impromptu meeting. Appreciate the efforts and know we will see some good ideas come through on fundraising.

This kicks off our year long focus on getting.our cubs ready for Cuboree next year. There are 20 cubs eligible to attend next year if they complete the necessary requirements to attend.

I am looking forward to the year ahead.

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Sunday, July 10, 2011

Cuboree Market Day Fundraiser

The Cuboree Market Day was a good first up effort. We have rased $320 from all the donated goods.

Thanks to Rikki, Dingo & Vanessa for assisting on tye day, along wth me.

As a resllult we uave decislded to now look at holding a Car Boot sale and sell what was left over.

To get all our 23 Cubs, plus the 6 leaders wanting to attend, we need to raise $10,000. So as much as this day was a drop in the ocean we are moving forward.

On Tuesday could all parents please stay back for 10 minutes after drop off so we can have a discussion on fundraising and hand you the nomination forms.

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